together we can make a difference
Esperance for Women and Children in Prisons Africa (EWCPA) was started on the basis of bringing hope to the children and families in prisons.
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How it all started
Our History
EWCPA is a foundation and non-profit organization registered as a company limited by guarantee whose aim is to improve the life and well-being of women in conflict with the law together with their children as well as those who have been released from prisons. The organization was founded 7th April 2019 by Esperance M. Kayitesi Hay after she had just ended her tenure as CEO at Essence Foundation because she felt inspired to bring to life her vision and goal of ameliorating the health and well-being of women and children in prisons.
The Foundation supports women and children in prisons and ignites their hope by providing psychological support, legal assistance as well as capacity building after they are released from prisons. Additionally, training A-wardens in prisons for peace keeping and conflict resolution.
The foundation collaborates with Kenyan correctional facilities, international bodies, civil society organizations, the national and county government of Kenya as well as local agencies to foster a conducive and rehabilitative environment for women and children in prisons. We are open to collaboration with other agencies who work directly in childcare and protection for appropriate interventions for children who are living with their mothers while imprisoned.
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Respect of Human Dignity
Transparency and Accountability
MAIN GOAL: To be a globally networked and fully functioning EWCPA
Other goals
- Reduce recidivism by 10% every year of the women ex-inmates.
- Enhance network with partners with the same vision.
- Eliminate rejection and stigmatization of ex-offender
- Build capacity to provide the services effectively.
- Mobilize adequate resources 5Msfor EWCPA programs.
Our Plan
To tackle the challenges and hardships faced by incarcerated women and their children while in the prison’s environment, we have developed a long-term plan that is set to bring long lasting solutions and enhancement of their overall well-being while in prison and also after they have been released from prisons.
- Develop resource mobilization initiatives to provide program funds (Internal/mission/external)
- Build EWCPA capacity to deliver the mission (Internal/mission)
- Advocate for support to the vulnerable target group in the community. (External /mission)
- Develop customized products for all stakeholders. (mission)
- Develop a networking capacity. (To reduce threats and enhance exploitation of opportunity (External /Mission)
- Enhance provision of sanitation for women and children in prisons from5 stations to ten stations.
- Review the organization gram chart
- Hire qualified and develop staff capacity to deliver diversified products portfolio
- Enable children access to recreation, stimulation and education to 50%.
- Enable access of women and children to adequate psychosocial support, justice and nutrition from 20 women to 50 women Quarterly
- Providing socio-economic support to women for their empowerment in and out of prisons through the provision of tailoring machines, setting small business, training them in entrepreneurship skillsfrom5 women to 20 in a year.
- Creating awareness on stigmatization of the women ex-inmates to reduce rejection and recidivism. Engaging other stakeholders (probation officers, churches) in the community where they come from.
- Facilitating the successful reintegration of women and children from prisons from 20 to 50 women
- Establish new networks 2 new networks every year
- Participate in networking initiatives
- One advocacy initiative/event every year (organize a gala)
- Join networking platforms
- Collaborating with child welfare organizations to facilitate the placement of children with their relatives or other alternative care options in the community while their mothers are serving their imprisonment. (Continuous)
- Establish EWCPA half way home (in three years)
- Google-plus
EWCPA Envisions Zero Recidivism for Women inmates.
EWCPA endeavors to provide social and economic empowerment to women and children in and out of prisons through needs driven services to address dysfunctional challenges as they reintegrate into the society for communal harmony and prosperity.
About Us / Our Team
EspERANCE M Kayitesi Hay

Esperance M. Kayitesi Hay, The Author of From Prison to Life. She holds a Master’s Degree in Conflict Management and Peace. She also obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and a License in Financial Management. Her work background Started in finances and management then advanced to community care and Peace building. She also worked for the UN and different organization in Africa and the U.K.
She is currently working as a chief executive director of Esperance for Women and children in prison Africa-EWCPA and actively engages in duties such as developing and implementing high-performing fundraising strategies, navigating the organization’s Dynamics and building strong networks, developing and maintaining positive relationships with internal and external stakeholders as well as managing the whole team to move the organization towards achieving it’s mission and vision.

A professional Counselor Psychologist with over 30 years’ experience. Graduated from The University of Nairobi with a bachelor’s degree in social sciences. She has an MSc in Counselling Psychology from the university of Hull UK. Worked as a Director rehabilitation with Kenya prison for 35 years where she developed very strong rehabilitation expertise both in management, practice and training. Her motivation lies in believing that people can always change given a conducive environment and enabling skills for positive living. She enjoys empowering people to take personal responsibility for their lives. She participated in a research paper on the perceptions of service providers to special needs offenders which informed policy on interagency collaboration within the juvenile justice systems. Presently she provides counselling services to the people in need of the services. She is one of the Directors at Faraja foundation where she shares the values of supporting the vulnerable and putting a smile on their faces. She is also a Chairperson and Board member at EWCPA supporting the organization lend a helping hand to the children accompanying their mothers to prison and support their mothers on release to settle.

Dorothy has over 28 year’s experience in information technology field. She did her masters in business administration at Henley business school in UK, and a bachelor’s degree at the University of West of England in the UK. She is currently working at IBM East Africa, where she plays significant roles in growing and building IBM’s solution awareness with customers and business partners with the goals of building lasting trusted relationships in the region. She’s currently as a board member of Esperance for Women and children in prisons Africa.
Dorothy actively engages in duties such as developing and implementing high performance of Esperance for Women and children in prisons Africa, she also builds a positive relationship with internal stakeholders and external stakeholders in order to move the organization towards achieving its mission and vision.
We work with mothers & children to better their lives.
Women Empowerment
When women are imprisoned, they end up losing their source of income such as their business or job which means that they are no longer able to provide for their families and children at home. For women in prison, they face the challenge of caring for their children while in the prison. This is particularly the case for those who do not have skills or opportunities to generate income while in prison. There are already facilities in prisons for skills development but they are inadequate.
EWCPA’s focus is to empower female prisoners with education through the creation of vocational skills beyond those taught in prisons to help them to develop with skills that can will enable them to earn a living while in prison and also during reintegration into society. Fostering growth through sustainable opportunities like this would prevent female prisoners from returning to criminal activities, improve their economic status and also remove the social stigma that they and their children face.
By partnering with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Women’s CSOs, we are able to legally empower women in conflict with the law by strengthening their access to required legal care and services. Our professional psychologists also work to provide female prisoners with psychological assistance and we also provide free socio-economic assistance in the form of food, sanitary items, toys and clothing.
Unlock the power of Nonviolent Communication with this transformative training by Heart to Heart Organization USA and EWCPA Kenya! Learn how to foster compassion, understanding, and effective conflict resolution to make a real difference in the lives of inmates. Let’s create positive change together!#NonviolentCommunication #EWCPA #HeartToHeartOrganizationUSA #EmpathyInAction #SupportingInmates #ConflictResolution #MakeADifference #TransformativeTraining

Supporting Esperance for Women and Children in Prisons Africa (EWCPA) this International Women’s Day! Every donation or volunteer efforts made a transformation to lives in Embu prison. Thank you to all who supported Embu Women’s Prison – your generosity makes a real difference. Together, let’s empower women and children for a brighter future! #EWCPA #InternationalWomensDay #DonateForChange

appreciation for embu women’s prison on the international womens day @2024
Gratitude to our Supporters: A Special Thank You from Esperance Foundation to all who made International Women’s Day at EMBU Prison possible. Your support brings hope and empowerment to women in prisons across Africa. Together, we make a difference. #EWCPA #EmpowerWomen #prisonreform

EWCPA in collaboration with child welfare organizations ensure that these children are placed in the right care options so they can grow up in an environment that responds to their emotional, developmental and social needs
Children Development
The Kenyan government allows children between the ages of 0 and 5 to remain in prison with their mothers which enables the children to be raised and cared for by their parent. The problem with this situation is that these children are raised in congested and unhygienic conditions among other issues. This hinders them from having a normal childhood, and meeting all their developmental needs can be a challenge for the prison administration.
Although children can stay with their mothers in prison, the confined environment in Kenyan prisons is still not appropriate for children due to limited access to nutritious food, poor sanitary and hygienic conditions and limited access to health care and education. Our social workers provide support and the enhancement for the growth and development of children in prison by providing early childhood care solutions as well as recreational and stimulation activities. Children of incarcerated mothers also receive psychosocial support and can participate in educational activities through our rehabilitation programs.
Children that surpass the 5-year age level that is required for them to be cared for by their mothers in prison have to be, according to the Kenyan law separated from their mothers so they can continue being cared for outside prison. Kinship care is the most common and dominant care arrangement for children of incarcerated parents where the children are placed with their relatives. There are also alternative care options for those whose relatives cannot be traced or are not willing to care for the children.

We are driven
We are determined to take all the steps needed through personal or written appeals, public meetings or otherwise as may from time to time be deemed expedient for the purpose of procuring contributions to fund the organization’s activities and drive our agenda. Contributions can be in the form of endowments, donations, annual subscriptions, promotions and participation in such other things required for the object of raising money for the purposes of achieving the goals of the organization.
We organize conferences, seminars, workshops and research events on matters relating to the welfare of female offenders and their children and how the society can support their reintegration into the community. We touch on the socio-economic, health and educational gaps faced by these women and children through information programmes in audio visual and print media.
We give general support to prison administrations in providing for the distinct needs of children and their imprisoned mothers in order to eliminate discrimination and achieve gender equality through policy reform, training and social reintegration programmes.
The foundation also partners with Kenyan correctional facilities, international bodies, the national and county government of Kenya as well as local agencies to foster a conducive and rehabilitative environment for women and children in prison.


CENTRE FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE AND ETHICS-The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

We participate in exchange programs with international counterparts that share similar the same professional background to incorporate best practices. The programs include educational training like seminars and workshops. Some educational training involves site visits to local organizations such as rehabilitation centers, prisons, NGOs, social services for children and children rescue centers.
Programs & Projects

Early Childhood Development Support and Care (ECDSC)
Provide child friendly environment to support the children at early age for their physical, mental, emotional and social development (ECD).

Maternal Health Service in Prison (MHSP)
Mobile health information service for pregnant women and new mothers to reduce mortality rates among them

Women in Prison Education program
Visit women’s prison facilities for enrollment to skills training sessions

Menstrual Hygiene Scheme
Increase access to free hygiene sanitary napkins

Mother and Child Psychosocial Support
Promote psychological and emotional well-being of female inmates and their children in line with identified needs.
Funding & Our Sponsors
Connect with us and make a real difference to the life of those in need.
All for good
We are a non-profit organization whose aim is to improve the life and well-being of women in conflict with the law together with their children as well as those who have been released from prison.
Good People
We are supported by a range of organization’s, agencies & governments and individuals who believe in our work.
Friends & Partners
We work closely with a range of partners from different sectors, including international bodies, NGOs, Civil society Organizations, national agencies and governments that share our purpose and passion for rehabilitating and reintegrating women offenders and their children.
“…Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others? ”
– Martin Luther King Jr.
From our blog

Family reunion after a 2 year sentence
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Peony Estate- Lavington, P10, Gitanga rd.- Nairobi
P.O Box 522775-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Let’s Make Change Happen
Collaborate with us and partner organizations for the socio-transformation of deprived vulnerable groups including incarcerated women and their children.