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Espérance holds a Masters degree in Psycho Social Sciences and another Masters degree in Conflict Management and Peace. She also obtained a Bachelors degree in Business Administration and a License in Financial Management. Her work background started in Finance and Management then advanced to Community care and Peace building. She has worked for the UN and different organizations in Africa and the U.K.

She is currently working as the Chief Executive Director of Essence Foundation and actively engages in duties such as developing and implementing high performing fundraising strategies, navigating the organization’s dynamics and building strong networks, developing and maintaining positive relationships with internal and external stakeholders as well as managing the whole team to move the organization towards achieving its mission and vision.

Espérance M Kayitesi Hay

Founder , EF


+254 722 732 016


Lavington, Jacaranda Avenue No.9,
Off Gitanga Road
P.O Box 52775-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
